Welcome to stream-db/php-stream

Purpose: stream-db is a database-enabled version of streamcast, an MP3 file streamer for icecast/shoutcast servers, using a database as the backend instead of perl data structures to hold song information and play queues. 

php-stream is a front end for stream-db. php-stream will use the same database backend for playlists and queues as stream-db.   Most of the functionality of stream-db will be availible to php-stream because php-stream directly manipulates the same database as stream-db. The rest of the stream-db functions will be implemented with a tools that use stream-db's admin console.

The aim of both of these project is to allow people to create their own streaming  media stations, with users, requests, song histories, and playlists.

  25 Oct 2001 - For the latest project dirt, check out my diary on Advogato. I update the status of all my projects there.

License: Both programs are licensed under the GNU GPL license.  See  http://www.gnu.org for more details.
More Information:
Project Pages
stream-db Sourceforge project page php-stream Sourceforge project page
README file from CVS stream-db php-stream
INSTALL file from CVS stream-db php-stream
TODO file from CVS stream-db php-stream
FAQ file from CVS stream-db

Important stream-db files
Main stream-db.pl script from the CVS tree stream-db
stream-db.sql SQL database definitions, tables, and grants from the CVS tree stream-db
streamcast.conf configuration file in the CVS tree stream-db
mp3tosql.pl, the script that searches the filesystem for MP3's, and adds them to the database stream-db

Important php-stream files
php-stream constants.inc file, this file is full of PHP constants, things like colors, table indexes and whatnot php-stream
php-stream.sql, the SQL database definition for the 'acl' table php-stream
demo.pls, the file that will launch your favorite MP3 player from your web browser php-stream

CVS stream-db CVS Repository
php-stream CVS Repository
CVS is read-only unless you are a member of one or both of these projects
Downloads: stream-db tarballs
php-stream tarballs

Note: The files labeled 'demo' in the above links are for the Sourceforge demo, they are not fully functional code.  You want the files without 'demo' in the filename :)

Links: Streamcast on Sourceforge.net
Contacts: Brian Manning <brian (at) antlinux.com>

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both of these projects are graciously hosted by those nice people at Sourceforge :)